Create a unified campus with Springly’s college and university software

Get a two for one with our comprehensive software that can manage both your student organizations and alumni associations.
Nonprofit software

Discover how Springly serves all student and alumni organization

Create unforgettable memories
with Springly’s software for students, colleges, and universities

student organization software events

Create an event in just a few clicks

Create and organize student-led events, tailgates, homecoming week gatherings, or group meetings quicker than ever before. Personalize event information with customized forms and pre-registration options.

Invest in virtual events

Online events are here to stay! Streamline planning by sending meeting links and reminders by email and offering online payment and registration. With all of your admin tasks taken care of, you can focus on enjoying the big day.

Personalize ticket rates and payment options

If your events are not free, you can offer different ticket prices with discounts, and accept payment in multiple formats (credit/debit card, cash, or check). Boost revenue and event attendance by offering payment in installments.
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Say goodbye to multiple spreadsheets,
and hello to a clean and simple database

Configure your CRM in 5 minutes flat

Copy and paste your contacts from Excel into Springly’s CRM. As your contacts import, all fields will automatically update information complete with full membership and donation history.

Everything you need in one place

With Springly’s software for students, colleges, and universities, you can find all of the information you need in one place. Find general information, communication history, and a record of all monetary transactions.

Group management made simple

Divide members into groups for improved organization. Grant group leaders, like faculty advisors, access rights to communicate directly with their members. Assign attendance sheets for simplified reporting.
student organization software events
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Make membership season a breeze
with Springly’s software for students, colleges, and universities

student organization software membership

Simplify rush season, club enrollment, and alumni groups with online registration

With Springly, you can easily create online membership drives and collect dues with multiple forms of payment like cash, check, or credit/debit card. Customize your drive with videos, PDFS, text, and any other relevant information your potential members may need.

Keep an eye on your funds with detailed payment tracking

After payment, receipts and invoices are automatically sent to members. In just one click, you can consult the payment status of each member and follow up on late payments via email.

Save time with automatically generated accounting entries

All membership payments are automatically recorded in Springly’s accounting suite. No manual entry or spreadsheet formulas are required, everything is done for you. Monitor your revenue in real-time!
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Get a 4.0 in accounting
thanks to Springly’s easy-to-use nonprofit software

No accounting experience required

Whether you are an accounting freshman or experienced senior treasurer, our accounting software adapts to each level of expertise and the unique needs of your student club, college, or university. The treasurer can add the income and expenses of the organization while enjoying automated recording of dues, donations, or purchases.

Automatically generated accounting documents

All of your accounting documents (chart of accounts, balance sheet, income statement, and more) are automatically generated by our software and are available to view at any time. Send them to your faculty advisor, or head chapter president for improved compliance.

Improved financial management

Springly’s software automatically creates check deposit slips for improved daily club management. Break up with trips to the bank and spend more time doing what you love.
student organization software events
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Streamline peer-to-peer communication with Springly’s software
for students, colleges, and universities

student organization software emailing

Build a website that is 100% customizable

Create a modern website with Springly’s website builder. With a site that is automatically moblie-responsive, you have all of the tools you need to work on the go.

Tools that boost your communication

Use the blog to share your member’s achievements. Post your meeting schedule, student events schedule, and publish a member directory to encourage eco-friendly carpooling.

No tech skills required

There are no tech skills required to build a modern website or create beautiful email blasts. Simply drag and drop items into a blank page (images, video, text) or begin with one of our 100% customizable templates.
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14 day free trial, but life long support

24/7 support

At Springly, we are committed to excellence at every level. If you need support, you will find it! Whether it be through live or recorded webinars, our help center articles, live chat, ticket support system, or youtube videos, you have someone to help you every step of the way.

Free product demo

Enjoy a free 30-minute product demonstration with one of our nonprofit development experts. Our team is ready to answer all of your questions, help set up your account, or assist you with data import.

No credit card required

Start your free trial without any credit card information required. We believe in our try it, test it, love it philosophy where our clients are able to test all aspects of Springly's software before engaging in any financial commitments.

Take your nonprofit management to the next level

club management software demo steps
nonprofit management software demo steps